LEXI: Alternative Designs


Finding the right design for LEXI was an extensive process, here are a selection of the designs that were trialled before settling on the final look and feel.

LEXI Black&White

Masculine shape

LEXI multicolour 1

Feminine shape

female multi colour 1

Skin tones

With clothing

Clothed multi colourclothed multi colour jan 2017

Coloured Stripey clothes
Lexi 6a: Clothed multi-colour jan 2017

With hair

hair multi colour fem male revised jan 2017 copy

Different hand, finger and arm shapes

Green hands and bent arms

Outer body glow

Green with glow

Colour glow variants

Outer body glow on early shape

Lexi stickmen with glow

5-way colour design with dotted line

Lexi stickman key

Tablet design

Scrabble stickman width=

Block-colour version

Stickman block colours

Heavy outline cut-outs

stickman with outline

Segmented body design

Butchers chop look

Butchers chop look

Butchers chop look COLOURS

Butchers chop look COLOURS

Multi LEXI Butchers chop look

Multi LEXI Butchers chop look

Tonal colours

Lexi random tonal colours

Muscled appearance


Blue base

Blue base

Stencil with blue base on white

Hollow Icons on white
Hollow Icons on white

Stencil on silver

Stencil icons on silver
Stencil icons on silver

White stencil on blue disc

Stencil Circle Designs

Further shape experimentation

Lexi masculine 2

Swimmer shape

Multi-coloured swimmerSwimmer variations

Running shape

Runners designsRunner rainbow designRunners lexi design