Impairment To Sport Class Finder


Click on an icon to see the classes that impairment type features in.

Please remember, LEXI is a guide to classification. All athletes need to be assessed and classified by a qualified classifier.

Green LEXI icon indicating movement and coordination areas of the body that are not affected.

Movement or coordination mildly affected throughout the whole body.

Movement or coordination moderately affected throughout the whole body.

Movement or coordination highly affected throughout the whole body.

A visual impairment, able to see approximately five metres in front of them.

Moderate visual impairment, able to see approximately one metre.

Near-total visual impairment.

Athletes with an intellectual impairment.

Short stature athlete.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in both legs.

Mildly affected movement or coordination in the lower trunk and legs.

Mildly affected movement or coordination in the mid-trunk and legs.

Mildly affected movement or coordination in the upper-trunk and legs.

Movement or coordination affected in the legs to a moderate degree.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in the lower trunk and legs.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in the mid-trunk and legs.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in the trunk and legs.

Movement moderately affected in the legs with the lower legs, ankles and feet highly affected.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in the upper legs and highly affected in the lower legs.

Movement in both legs affected to a high degree.

Movement moderately affected in the lower trunk and highly affected in the legs.

Movement in the lower trunk and legs affected to a high degree.

Movement highly affected in the mid-trunk and legs.

Movement highly affected in the body below the chest and in the legs.

Movement affected to a high degree in the trunk and legs.

Movement moderately affected in both knees.

Movement and coordination affected to a moderate degree in one leg and to a mild degree in the other leg.

Movement affected in the legs; mildly at the top, moderately in the knees and to a high degree in the ankles and feet.

Movement and twisting ability affected to a moderate degree from the mid-trunk down.

Movement and twisting ability affected to a moderate degree in the trunk and body.

Movement moderately affected in trunk and arms.

Movement in the legs affected to a high degree and moderately in the arms.

Movement in the legs and hands affected to a high degree and moderately in the arms.

Movement moderately affected in the trunk from the chest and also in the hands, with movement in the legs highly affected.

Movement highly affected in the mid-trunk and legs and mildly affected in the hands.

Movement and coordination affected to a high degree from the chest down and in the legs, with movement mildly affected in the hands.

Movement or coordination highly affected throughout the trunk and legs with grip mildly affected in the hands.

Movement highly affected in the lower trunk and legs, with coordination and grip moderately affected in the hands.

Movement highly affected in the mid-trunk and legs, with coordination and grip moderately affected in the hands.

Movement and coordination affected to a high degree from the chest down and in the legs and also in the hands.

Movement affected to a high degree from the chest down and in the legs and hands, and moderately affected in the forearms.

Movement affected to a high degree in the trunk, legs and hands.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in the trunk and hands and moderately in the legs.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in the trunk and legs with the arms moderately affected.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in the trunk and arms and mildly in the legs.

Movement in the body and arms mildly affected, with the legs moderately affected.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in the trunk and arms, to a moderate degree in the legs, with the feet and ankles highly affected.

Movement of the trunk and legs moderately affected with the arms mildly affected.

Movement in the legs highly affected, moderately affected in the trunk and hands and mildly affected in the arms.

Movement affected to a mild degree in the trunk, moderately in the arms and to a high degree in the legs and hands.

Movement and coordination mildly affected from the chest down in the trunk and in the hands and highly in the legs.

Movement and coordination mildly affected from the chest down in the trunk, moderately in the hands and highly in the legs.

Movement in the legs highly affected and mildly affected in the trunk.

Movement and coordination of the legs affected to a high degree, mildly in the trunk and moderately in the hands.

Movement mildly affected in the trunk and arms and highly affected in the legs.

Movement of the shoulders and arms affected to a mild degree, with movement in the rest of the body and legs highly affected.

Movement affected to a high degree in the trunk, legs and hands and mildly affected across the shoulder and in the arms.

Movement or coordination highly affected throughout the trunk and legs with the arms mildly affected and grip moderately affected in the hands.

Movement affected to a high degree in the body and legs, mildly affected in the arms with hand grip and control highly affected.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in the trunk and arms and highly affected in the hands and legs.

Highly affected movement in both arms and both legs, with movement in trunk affected to a moderate degree.

Moderately affected movement in the shoulders and arms and highly affected from the chest down in the trunk and in the legs.

Movement affected to a high degree in the trunk, legs and hands with movement moderately affected in the arms.

Movement and coordination highly affected in the trunk, forearms and legs, with the shoulders moderately affected.

Movement highly affected in the lower trunk and legs, with one arm also mildly affected.

Movement highly affected in the mid-trunk and legs, with one arm also mildly affected.

Movement highly affected in the mid-trunk and legs, with one arm also moderately affected.

Movement and coordination highly affected in the trunk, legs and hands, with one arm also affected to a mild degree.

Movement or coordination affected to a moderate level in both arms and one leg.

Movement and coordination affected to a moderate degree on one side of the body, one arm and both legs.

Movement in the legs highly affected and moderately affected on one side of the trunk and in one arm.

Movement and coordination affected to a high degree on one side of the body, one arm and both legs.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in both arms and both legs.

Movement and coordination affected in all four limbs; to a moderate degree in the arms and a low degree in the legs.

Movement or coordination affected in all four limbs to a moderate degree.

Movement moderately affected in the arms and highly affected in the legs.

Movement mildly affected in one arm and one leg on the same side.

Movement and coordination mildly affected down one side.

The absence of one arm and one leg on the same side.

Movement moderately affected in one arm and one leg on the same side.

Movement and coordination moderately affected down one side.

Movement and coordination highly affected down one side.

Mildly affected movement in one forearm.

Moderately affected movement and coordination in one forearm.

Moderately affected movement in both forearms and hands.

Moderately affected movement and coordination in both forearms.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in one arm.

Movement moderately affected in one arm.

The movement in one arm affected to a high degree.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in both arms.

Moderately affected movement in both arms.

Movement affected to a high degree in the arms.

Moderately affected movement in one foot and ankle.

Highly affected movement in one foot and ankle.

Moderately affected movement in both feet and ankles

Moderately affected movement and coordination in both lower legs.

Movement and power highly affected in the lower legs, ankles and feet.

Movement and control mildly affected in on lower leg.

Moderately affected movement and coordination in one lower leg.

Movement and power highly affected in one lower leg, ankle and foot.

Mildly affected movement in one leg.

Movement and coordination moderately affected in one leg.

Movement and coordination of one leg moderately affected with movement of the knee in that leg highly affected.

The movement of one leg affected to a high degree.

The absence of one foot.

Absence of one leg below the knee.

Absence of one lower leg from the knee.

Absence of one leg, mid-thigh.

The absence of one leg.

The absence of one leg and affected hip joint.

Movement moderately affected in one leg and the absence of the other leg below the knee.

Absence of one leg, with movement in the other leg affected to a moderate level.

The absence of one leg and the other having movement affected to a high degree.

Absence of both legs from mid-calf.

Absence of  both legs below the knee.

The absence of both lower legs.

Absence of legs just above the knee.

Absence of legs from mid-thigh.

Absence of both legs, just below the hips.

The absence of both legs.

Absence of one forearm and one lower-leg on opposite sides.

The absence of one arm and one leg on opposite sides.

The absence of one hand.

The absence of one forearm.

The absence of one arm.

Absence of both legs with movement moderately affected in the arms, with coordination and grip moderately affected in the hands.

Absence of legs, with mildly affected movement in the arms and highly affected in the hands.

Absence of legs, with moderately affected movement in the arms and highly affected in the hands.

Absence of both legs and one forearm, the hand on the opposite side has moderately affected movement.

Absence of both legs just below the hips with movement affected to a moderate degree in the hands

The absence of both hands and both legs just below the hips.

Absence of legs and one forearm.

Movement mildly affected in the body and shoulders, with the absence of forearms and legs.

The absence of both forearms and one leg below the knee.

Absence of both legs below the knee and one forearm.

The absence of hands and lower legs.

Absence of both forearms and both lower legs.

The absence of one hand, with the forearm mildly affected.

Absence of one full arm and one forearm.

The absence of both lower legs and one hand, with the forearm mildly affected.

Absence of one forearm, one leg through the knee and one leg above the knee. Movement in one hand is also mildly affected.

Absence of both legs; one from the knee and one just below the hip.

Absence of one full and one half leg.

Absence of one hand and movement and grip moderately affected in the other hand.

The absence of both hands.

The absence of both forearms.

The absence of both arms.

Movement or coordination moderately affected in both hands and both feet.

Movement in both forearms moderately affected, mildly affected in one foot and the absence of one foot.

Absence of both lower legs and one hand. The other hand being mildly affected in gripping ability.

Absence of both lower legs and one hand, with movement and grip moderately affected in the other remaining hand.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in one hand and one lower leg on the same side and to a moderate degree in the hand on the other side.

Movement and coordination mildly affected in one hand and one lower leg on the same side and to a moderate degree in the forearm on the other side.

Movement of the hip joint moderately affected.
